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10 Point Activities


Scientists, today you complete a web-quest about animal behaviors,

specifically MIGRATION!

You will be working in your Scientific Gathering Group.

Be sure to take notes to support you in the activities below.

Begin by watching the phenomena: webquest kick off video. Then move onto the the task section, followed by the process and then evaluation. Free free to use the resources page to assist your thinking in anyway.

Phenomena: WebQuest Kick Off Video 


Begin by meeting with your Scientific Gathering Group to play the QUESTION GAME, basing all questions off of the kick off video.

Once you have completed the webquest, please complete at least 100 points worth of activities (this quest counts for 50 points already!) 


  1. The Question Game! Remember to create, sort, then research questions!

  2. Work with a partner in your group to pick two or three questions to research using the links from the resources page.

  3. Meet with group to discuss findings.

  4. Choose activities below get an additional 50 points 


Reflect on your overall work during this webquest by completing the WebQuest Reflection.


Artifact 3- Behavior

  • Label the Annual Cycle

  • Create a Migration poem

  • Watch a video about migration

  • Make Migration Vocabulary Cards

  • Draw arrows on the migration map

  • Research more about the Monarch Butterfly

  • Create a migration video

  • Write a diary of the butterfly’s journey

  • Creating a slide presentation about migration

  • Researching how classrooms can get a monarch butterfly/ caterpillar as a class pet, (include the cost of equipment and resources necessary for the success of the new classroom pet)

30 Point Activities
  • Research other animals that migrate

  • Create a poster that compares and contrasts all of the animals researched

  • Build own animal web-quest

  • Write an essay about migration from the perspective of a scientist researching the importance of animal migration

  • Write an article from the perspective of a news reporter in Mexico explaining the importance of the monarch’s migration and the significant value it has when tourists visit their country to experience the migration first-hand.

50 Point Activities
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